The Unix Shell: Setup

As this Introductory Shell Course is designed to be taken along with the MPAGS C++ course, we will be using the shell setup that is required by that.

If you follow the setup instructions as listed on the course pages:

this will guide you through everything that’s needed. This will include:

  1. Installing Docker
  2. Installing VSCode
  3. Installing the required plugins for VSCode, notably:
    • C/C++
    • Dev Container

You can then run the test as described here:

This will ensure your setup is working and you can access a terminal that we will be using both in this Shell course and the C++ course that follows.

After doing this, you will also need to do the following to prepare for this Shell course. From within the terminal, copy and paste the following commands:

  1. cd
  2. mkdir Desktop
  3. cd Desktop
  4. wget
  5. unzip
  6. cd

You should be now all ready for the both the Shell course and the C++ course!